Nidaplast RA - The innovative solution for lightweight fills
Discover Nidaplast RA honeycomb blocks and panels, designed to tackle the challenges of compressible soils and high-risk terrains. These lightweight and durable structures are ideal for road, landscaping, or building fills, even in wet conditions.
Why choose Nidaplast RA lightweight fills?
Made from extruded polypropylene, Nidaplast RA offers unparalleled benefits:
Ultra-lightweight: With 95% void content, these blocks significantly reduce stress on soils and structures.
High strength: Available in three compression resistance levels (400, 500, and 600 kPa) to meet various project requirements.
Durable: Resistant to chemicals, microorganisms, mold, and rodents.
Reliable in wet conditions: Unaffected by water level fluctuations, suitable for fills under load-bearing conditions.
Applications of Nidaplast RA blocks
Nidaplast RA panels and blocks are ideal for:
Landscaping fills: Reducing settlement and stabilizing terrains.
Road fills: Minimizing vertical and lateral stress on civil engineering structures.
Building fills: Preventing landslides and stabilizing high-risk soils.
Technical features of Nidaplast RA
Dimensions: 2400 x 1200 mm.
Thicknesses: 40, 60, 100, 120, 150, or 520 mm.
Honeycomb structure: 50 mm cell size.
Coating: PET thermobonded nonwoven (45 g/m²) on each side.
Maximum fill height: Up to 4.30 m with RA 600 blocks.
Thanks to their lightweight and robust design, Nidaplast RA blocks support the creation of vegetated surfaces or areas accessible to both light and heavy vehicles.
The advantages of lightweight fills with Nidaplast RA
Structural cost savings: Reduces foundation costs by lowering vertical and horizontal stress.
Simplified installation: Easy-to-handle blocks, perfect for complex or confined worksites.
Environmental compliance: Recyclable and durable material that meets modern project requirements.
Choose Nidaplast RA for your fill projects
Contact us for more information or a personalized quote. Let’s optimize your projects with reliable, innovative solutions.