The AZbox system is used to temporary rainwater storage. This solution allows the creation of underground tanks for public or private structures to optimize rainwater management.
During a heavy rain, rainwater fill the below ground basin thanks to one or more collecting pipes connected to a manhole. The rainwater is dispersed inside the modules and in the plots component the AZbox system (modules void rate: 95%).
When the incoming flow becomes greater than the leakage flow, rainwater fill slowly the AZbox modules and then, in the case of an infiltration basin, infiltrates the ground.
Thanks to its system of modular parts, the components of the AZbox are light and easy to install SUDS structures (Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme).
Stackable, they optimize the shipping and logistics on the site, with a limited footprint.
In addition, each module benefits from a visit channel offering an access of the whole basin for inspection and cleaning throughout the life of the structure.
AZbox storage modules meet the recommendations of the Technical Guide "Structures Alvéolaires Ultra Légères " (SUDS) for rainwater management and he got the CSTB technical certification.
Storage module dimensions: 1200 x 600 mm
Heights :